By the Mania, for an Encore, with an Addendum!
Welcome to Sonic Mania Addendum, an extensive full-game edit + expansion for Sonic Mania Plus!
Addendum adds a few completely new features to Mania, such as:
Addendum primarily focuses on overhauling some integral game concepts, such as cooperative multiplayer, player physics, and shield interactions, and adding an abundance of quality-of-life features to the game. Some of the most notable changes are:
Lastly, Addendum fixes a few vanilla game bugs/oversights, such as:
All game changes can be found in the changelog.txt file, and player controls can be found in the controls.txt file, both in the attached download below.
This mod is still a heavy WIP, so expect bugs and crashes! I will be making Addendum's Github repository public after the SHC Contest week ends, so if you can replicate an issue more than once, please submit an Issue to the Github repo!
Sonic Mania Addendum functions differently than other Mania mods, and doesn't make use of GameAPI. Rather, Addendum is a source code edit to Mania, meaning that in order to properly use this mod, one needs to enable the mod's assets with the mod loader and also replace the vanilla Mania Game.dll file with a custom-made Game.dll for Addendum, four versions of which are attached below, two for RSDKv5 (x64 and x86) and two for RSDKv5U (x64 and x86). The attached .zip file should be able to be directly extracted into the root directory of a Mania decomp folder, given that it's set up correctly. After choosing the correct DLL for your RSDKv5 version, you NEED to rename it to just Game.dll for RSDKv5 to load Addendum's code.
Addendum also uses custom save data, using SaveDataAddendum.bin for saving vanilla save data, and AddendumOptions.bin for Addendum-specific save data, notably being Time Stone progress. It is possible to transfer vanilla save data by renaming a SaveData.bin file to SaveDataAddendum.bin, although I cannot guarantee 100% save file compatibility by doing this.
Known Bugs:
Main Development Team:
KiaraGale - lead programmer, lead artist, project manager
LittlePlanetCD/Cosmic Eternity - assistant programmer, playtester, debugger
Mefiresu/Mephiles - assistant programmer, playtester, debugger
JunkeyBot - lead palettist, assistant artist
Asset Contributers:
smb123w64gb - Special Stage Time Stone models
Maro - Tails animation file re-work
DNLeal - Unified Endings Plus
Angelthegamer - Tails and Mighty Competition player icon
Special Thanks:
Chuli/stxtic/RMGRich - lead Mania decomp developer
Rubberduckycooly - lead Mania decomp developer
Retro Engine Modding Server - hosted Addendum's development thread, as well as positive feedback for the project
File Type: rom/zip
File Size: 47.58 MB
(Part 2)
5. Can you make a version that doubles down and allows everyone to use the Peel Out instead of removing the ability from other characters entirely?
6. Can you make a version that gives Amy her Origins abilities?
7. When will the Shield Level Transition bug you mentioned be fixed?
Having an issue with the giant rings, they don't seem to be working properly for me when I go to them. No mods besides this one enabled and I'm using v5u-x86 version
What exactly happens when you enter a Giant Ring?
This looks awesome, and that's how I'll probably be playing Mania going forward. I only wish somebody would make something about the classic shield, it either needs to be gone completely or need to be turned into something new
What's wrong about the classic shield? As far as I know, I haven't touched its code much, if at all.
I just really hate its inclusion in base Mania, I don't understand what it's doing in the game. In 3, all offer you unique resistances and abilities on top of offering protection, but with the classic shield in Mania it always feels soul-crushing to accidentally pick it up when you had some other shield. It's just plain useless.
Something I could do as a sort of compromise is to make the game check for what shield type you have when breaking a Blue Shield monitor, and to not apply it to the player if you have an elemental shield.
If it has compatibility with other mods in the future it will be the definitive mod
hey, can you fix Heavy Shinobi's undershirt and arm/leg guards in the cutscenes?
Last modified by sonicfanboy @ 2023-10-26 17:42:06
I unno if this is used for bug reports but
Holding "Down" and then doing Amy's lame midair spin move causes the animation to not work.
If this is known, it should be added to the Known Bugs.
If I recall correctly, that's a bug with Extra Slot Amy in general, and it's probably not the fault of Addendum.
You in fact do not recall correctly.
i actually signed up to tell you that you fucking suck as a person. like holy shit i havent seen you being remotely nice even ONCE under any of these fucking entries. please do some soul searching ur literally a debbie downer idk how else to say this even if this fan creation does happen to have some sort of bug
i will not be using this account any further im genuinely distraught at the fact that there can be someone this miserable in the entirety of this planet. i saw someone say something like "i like these new improvements!" on some sonic 3 mod and here you come to rain on their fucking parade. please shut up. please
Last modified by drizzle___ @ 2023-10-30 15:43:53
This is an issue with the Air Re-curl code being too generalized, and will apply to characters using their mid-air abilities if the down key is held when performing it. It will be fixed in the next release.
Does it work on android?
It technically does work on Android, although you would have to compile the APK yourself with Addendum's code instead of Mania's, and you wouldn't be able to use ManiaTouchControls due to mod conflicts causing crashes. If you have a physical controller that you can use with your phone, that would work.
I wish i had a pc to compile it :sob:
So this is an amazing mod, absolutely how I'm going to play this game going forward and very much looking forward to future updates. I do have a few issues to report that need looking at but this is so cool and impressive.
-As others have pointed out, Knuckles, Ray and Amy have issues with their glide interfering with the re-curl, causing animation bugs
-Heavy King's palette is borked in Lava Reef 2K
-Mighty's new palette could be applied to his Special Stage model, if possible
-Knuckles is sent to Mirage Saloon Act 1, rather than his personal Mirage Saloon Act K
-Mighty is sent to Mirage Saloon Act K, which he cannot actually complete and this cannot be remedied due to incompatability issues by restoring his Wall Kick (a feature I would love to see incorporated!)
-As an aside, I'd like to see Mirage Saloon Act 1E made an optional standard, but am aware that this is a challenging prospect and merely remain hopeful
Last modified by Pinkanator @ 2023-10-30 10:49:04
-A minor quirk, I find it annoying that the Moveset option doesn't "stick" like the Time Over and Debug settings do, it'd be appreciated if it could stick (or default) to Addendum Mode for Max Control Sonic, but setting to Addendum causes Amy's moveset to switch to her CDR moveset, so that might need reshuffling
-One of the few issues with the decompilation is loss of easy access to Flying Super through the Mania Mod Manager, could this be added as a setting, or a feature of Miracle Mode?
-Encore Mode launches with Amy as the default character, this made sense in the Amy release, however as Addendum pivots itself more as an unofficial expansion pack, I feel it might be better served reverting this change, but realize there's probably code issues with handling that
In any case, a really wonderful showing that I'm very eager to keep following, best wishes going forward and thank you for breathing new life into this game again! (Gosh this character limit is a pain ^^;)
I assume that knuckles going to act k is due to the fact his character slot is the 4th one. Sonic and tails paired up was removed as a slot to make room for amy i assume. And since mighty occupies slot 4 now thats why he goes to act k, but hey. Thats just a theory, A GAME T H E O R Y
When release next update ? This mod work in android?
The next update will be when it releases. I cannot guarantee a timeline for updates due to my personal life getting in the way of development. As for Android support, Addendum's next update will have full Android compatibility, though you will have to compile Addendum into a new APK file in order to use the mod, which requires a PC capable of running Android Studio.
I'm trying to install this from the Steam Deck, and I'm having a hard time doing so (it crashes, both the SEGA logo and Ray are all black). Is there a way to get it working on Steam Deck, or is there a different method of the process?
The Decomp recently updated and now Addendum's Game.dll only causes it to crash. Will there be a small update to make it compatible with the new decomp update?
The game keeps crashing right before the title screen, do you know any way to fix this???
For some reason characters are corrupted for me
Where do i find the Game.dll
I just wanted to say, first of all, that this mod is THE way to play Mania for me. I love the amount of QoL changes, Extra Slot Amy, Time Stones, and the option to have a sidekick apart from tails or knuckles.
I also wanted to say that I got this mod to work on my Steam Deck, however, I did have to use the old guide for the decomp from 2022.
I would love to see this mod have any future updates, but if it doesn't thats fine, as this mod is simply the BEST mania mod (in my opinion).
The game keeps crashing right before the title screen, do you know any way to fix this???
The game keeps crashing right before the title screen, do you know any way to fix this???
The game keeps crashing right before the title screen, do you know any way to fix this???
I used an archived guide from 2022.
Just paste the gamebanana guide for the decomp in internet archive & use the page from 2022.
So I am having this issue that I do not understand how to fix that I am only able to use miracle sonic is there a way to change that to super sonic? also I installed the HyperMania Mod so that I can play as hyper sonic (as it was intended) and the version I am using for the decomp is RSDKv5 x64 in case
How do you get decomp
Comment deleted by Lexer29 @ 2024-10-28 12:03:44
So I think you should update this mod asap or tell me what is going on because for some odd reason my game crashes after the opening (not the sonic mania the one with sega and the game developers)
THIS Is the best mania mod so far!
Is there anyway you could add back super music? Maybe give a unique theme for miracle forms? I'd recommend the sonic boom remix by crush 40 and cash cash
Oh also could there be a way to give sonic max control in encore mode?
Will this mod ever be ported to the Steam version of Sonic Mania?
as of 1/17/2025 it seems the mod stops working no matter what the game will crash after the intro
i cannot get past the title screen because it crashes. what do i do?
(Part 1)
I really like this mod so far, but I have a few questions if you don't mind.
1. Can you add falling animations to replace the airwalk animations?
2. Can you change Tails' flight so you only have to hold the jump button instead of tapping it repeatedly?
3. Can you make exiting Knuckles' glide work like exiting Ray's, in that it keeps your momentum and immediately reenters the jump state?
4. Can you make it possible to allow Tails/Knuckles to use Flight/Glide again after exiting it?