Project Re-Rainbow

By Team Re-Rainbow

"Project Re-Rainbow" is a mod for Sonic Colors: Ultimate that aims to properly remaster the game with visuals that are more faithful to the original Wii version.

Visual Enhancements:

This mod dramatically improves the graphics with better textures and lighting that make the stages look stunning and visually pleasing. No more intense Bloom here! "Light-fields" have been implemented so that Sonic and other dynamic objects seamlessly blend into the environments.

Remastered Cutscenes:

Project Re-Rainbow also includes complete remasters of every single cutscene in the game! They have all been rendered at a stunning 1440p 60fps! The mod also includes a remastered CGI Opening, which has a new ending portion to it!

The Audio has been remastered and overhauled to 5:1 for an immersive experience you'll feel like you're in an interstellar amusement park in space.

Audio Fixes:

Thanks to Mario Tainaka, this build of Project Re-Rainbow provides a few fixes to audio-related issues, hopefully improving the audio experience!!!

Upgraded Sonic Model:

Sonic's model has been upgraded using the Sonic Generations model as a base. This model not only features visual enhancements through its materials but is also denser and more detailed, reaching near-CG quality!

New Animations:

There are brand new animations that take full advantage of the 3D modeled mouth that the upgraded Sonic model includes. Say goodbye to 2D mouths!

Super Sonic Cosmetic Support:

Super Sonic now supports all of the cosmetics in the game, including the Movie Sonic Aura!

Visual Bug Fixes:

The mod eliminates annoying visual bugs and glitches, so no more flickering or Z-Fighting on objects and materials!

And so much more!!!


Main Team


  • Project Lead, Textures, Materials, Lighting Tweaks, Upscaling Assets, Custom Logo Rolls, Cutscene Remasters

Mario Tainaka

  • Audio Fixes, Cutscene mixing, BGM Swapping


  • LFShapes Godot Addon, Shader Cache Generation and Code Injection


  • GDScript writing, Shader writer, Animation Retargeting, Skeleton Imports, Animation Tweaks


  • Assisted with GDScript writing, Lightfield scripts, Grass Interaction, Aura Fixes, Cosmetic Support for Super Sonic, Lighting, UI Fixes


  • Colors Exporter for Cutscene Assets, Setdata fixes and cleanup, UI Fixes


  • Shader Writing, Lightfield Integration, Generations Shader recreations, Remastering Cutscene Models


  • Model Importing, Rigging, Upscaling Assets


  • Assisted with Fur Shader for Lightfield implementation, Provided Code for Signature Searching between Steam and EGS versions


  • Godot Assistance


  • Acorn Editor, Environment Tweaks Lighting


  • Upscaling CGI Cutscenes, Remaster of Opening CG

Localization Helpers/Writers


  • French Language Support for Trick Panels


  • Spanish Language Support for Trick Panels


  • Italian Language Support for Trick Panels

@Nabiiiiiiiiii1 on X (Formerly Twitter)

  • German Language Support for Trick Panels

File Type: rom/zip

File Size: 21.32 GB

Extra Public Downloads
Lite (No Remastered Cutscenes)
2.13 GB

ThomasHallGamer @ 2024-10-06 18:51:32

As someone who loved the original Sonic Colors on the Wii, but hated the remaster in the visual and audio departments, THIS is a breath of fresh air even if not every bug introduced in the remaster was fixed. What's important is that most of them are. If I owned Ultimate already (which I do not), I would always use this as well as this other mod with the life system and fixes to the UI. Get it here: =10pt

ArthurHenrique @ 2024-11-22 09:10:15

Will this mod have a version 2?

Colour159 @ 2025-02-25 19:22:55

[url=]Sonic Colors Ultimate Re-Rainbow[/url] rendered at a stunning 1440p 60fps!