Team Hotaru Presents...
Welcome! Sonic Conquest is a (currently) one-zone demo for a larger scale project that out team is working on! While there isn't much to this as of right now, here's what we got:
We hope you enjoy Sonic Conquest's demo.
Conquest works as your average, run-of-the-mill Sonic 2 mod. You simply just download the mod and put it into the "Mods" folder. The engine and the mod itself does the rest for you.
Also, Conquest was NOT made with RSDKv5U's legacy mode in mind. While the mod may work on there, expect a few issues.
Finally, we're proud to say that Conquest (should hopefully) work on mobile devices! There's no specific setup requirements for mobile. Just install it like you'd normally would.
With all of that said, we hope you have a great time playing! It's Time for the Conquest!
--Project Lead--
--Level Design--
--Music Sources--
--Special Thanks--
File Type: rom/zip
File Size: 22.07 MB
Nope... Didn't worked for me.
First of all I disabled all of the mods...
Had earlier -— 1.3.0
Sprite glitch on SEGA logo, and the odd BG later. Nothing else
Downloaded the latest Decomp avalieable — 1.3.2
Now I can see a nice menu. Filtering! Cool start...
and trying to start and —>
SCRIPT PARSING FAILED ¶ OPERAND NOT FOUND ¶ PlayerObject_SuperState ¶ LINE NUMBER ¶ 32 ¶ ERROR IN ¶ Global/BlueShield.txt
I have the same problem as user ClockworkBastard, when I start the demo zone (on my android), the game says there is an error in the BlueShield.txt with the "PlayerObject_SuperState"
It's great, I'll try it now. Also, does it work on mobile?