We at Revenge Team have been working for quite some time, and teasing this hack to you, but now, you can finally play it!
(also, I hope there's no food called Revenge, we already had Primo pasta)
(All mentions of "I" are RobiWanKenobi, as I am the lead of the project)
About the hack:
This is a 1 zone demo of what will eventually be a 5 zone hack.
You can play as Sonic, Tails, or both of them together.
This hack will save your progress (though it doesn't matter much when there's only 1 zone)
There's an options menu you can use to tweak what abilities can be used
Jump: A/B/C
Insta-Shield: Double Jump
Peelout: Up + B/C (when enabled)
Spindash: Down + A/B/C
Spindash: Down + A/B/C
Jump: A/B/C
Fly: Jump + A/C
Fly Cancel: B (FLY CANCEL must be on)
Use Elemental Shield: Jump + B (TAILS SHIELD must be on)
Custom Boss (He's also actually somewhat challenging)
Knuckles chaotix DAC's
Completely original music, written by Me, yami, and DarkWizardDev
New Art for most objects by Bonnie-Bun-Buns
Custom Level Art by Bonnie-Bun-Buns (with some palette work from DarkWizardDev)
New Main Menu with custom background also by Bonnie-Bun-Buns
Custom menu BG Scroll by me
Scrolling credits by Pacca
End of Demo Screen by me
Custom Logo with some help from saan1ty
Different Game Over text slide-in by me
Ported Badnik from SCD (Mosqui)
Ported some sounds from SCD (no, not the jump one, but also thanks to h.carrell for helping out with this a ton)
Some optimizations and fixes by Hame
Expanded options menu by me
please don't ask about adding more abilities, the answer is no
Please do not make recolor hacks of this hack, it is very disrespectful to the team and it will not be tolerated
Revenge Team is:
also, thanks to saan1ty for the SONIC part of the logo
File Type: rom/mega-drive
File Size: 1.9 MB
Have fun playing this demo!
Perhaps you can find the secret movie in the credits that tells you about the inspiration of the level art! Good luck and enjoy SHC 2024 Demo!
primo fans when they need revenge:
The boss has a small bug, where he stops moving back and forth permently. Thought I would point that out!
But other than that, this hack shows a lot of potential! Don't give up!
That came up once, but it does actually move again eventually (this usually happens near the end of the fight, so Eggma's ship is breaking down)
The level design and music are pretty good, however there are a few bugs with the loop de loops and the fact you can just spam insta shield on the boss
Just FYI, the boss music is unfinished
This hack gave me a quite favorable reaction - probably its weakest point is the music, but given it's unfinished I hope it improves for a next release.
Art is pretty good and shiny, and I think this is the first time I try a hack where Tails can actually fly _and_ use the Elemental Shields abilities! I like that, since not even Sega itself got this right!
We've got someone on the team to take care of (at least some) the music
this needs a lot of work, some sprites have strange pillow shading, the music in general feels repetitive and instrumentally it needs a lot to improve, as far as level design is concerned, i find them quite linear in some areas with few paths and little replayability in they
with a lot more work this could be a better hack!
Heads Up, we don't plan on keeping CA22's sprites, as they are a bit overused, we just were using them as placeholders.
Last modified by RobiWanKenobi @ 2024-09-30 06:05:55
A really good little hack, much better than Sonic Primo from last year. My only real complaint is with the boss; It's really hard, and if you get hit your rings fall through the floor.
Also, unfortunately for you...THERE WAS A FOOD CALLED REVENGE! TWO OF THEM!!! You can't escape the Primo Pasta curse.
My tasty playthrough: https://youtu.be/-QiuzpDFHeg
Most people said it was too easy, lol
This is a very beautiful hack! I loved the zone! I also really love it when hacks and fan games don't have a tropical first zone. Looking forward to seeing more!
There will be 2025 update of this ROM Hack soon.
not soon, but yes
Hey, please don't rip the soundtrack of this hack, not only is it unfinished, but I'll be uploading rips and demos myself on my youtube channel.