Sonic - South Island's Encore (SHC Release)

By StickyGaming

Sonic - South Island's Encore is a simple rom hack with some pretty decent additions and features.

What has been added/changed?

- Some sprites have been changed to their Sonic 2 counterpart, including Player Sonic, Title Screen Sonic, Signpost, and Lamppost.

- S-Monitor gives away 50 rings and can be found in most stages.

- Levels have new palettes, and layouts have been altered, or changed completely.

- Sonic has the iconic Spindash move, alongside the Air Roll.


Spindash - The most iconic move. DOWN + A/B/C BUTTON

Air Roll - Curl into a ball mid-air or after using a spring. PRESS A/B/C BUTTON IN AIR

The rom hack isn't really too flashy like other hacks, I know, but I only made this to help me understand how to rom hack and how to get good at it, and I also thank the people who did help me get better at it.


  • Esrael - Sonic 2 Level Select
  • djohe + Hame - S2 Level Select fix
  • Sonic Retro - helpful Tutorials such as Spindash, bug fixes, etc.
  • AleDrawer2008 - Victory Pose code (I tweaked it a bit)
  • Anakama The Hedgehog - Title Emblem art and Beta Tester (also my biggest supporter and friend)
  • Spinblade The Hedgehog - Beta Tester (Also my friend)
  • SidneyTheHedgehog - Spindash Fixes
  • Mildammer - RRZ Music

File Type: rom/mega-drive

File Size: 608.16 KB

Vadim_Super @ 2024-09-28 00:30:56

A good hack

StickyGaming @ 2024-09-28 13:57:22

Thanks :D

Jdpense @ 2024-09-28 14:15:02

Not bad for a beginner hack.

I would be more interested, if there were more overhauled level layouts tho.

StickyGaming @ 2024-09-28 14:42:46

I'll keep that in mind, also thanks

dilworks @ 2024-09-28 14:44:33

For some reason it refused to boot on BlastEm, had to use PicoDrive to test.

Aside of that... well, the pallete choices are curious, the Sonic 2 items backporting is clean, the layout modifications could use some more work..

Ho-hum hack, good for spending a fun moment but nothing with that "wow" factor.

MDTravis @ 2024-09-28 21:10:37

That's odd. It worked on hardware, so unsure why it wouldn't work on BlastEm.

MightyShadow2009 @ 2024-09-28 14:45:09

Yo Sticky!! :DDDDD

Selbi @ 2024-09-28 15:28:57

The music definitely needs some work, a lot of it sounds hollow or just wrong (Special Stages being the worst offender). But I appreciate the rest, good first effort!

Roebloz @ 2024-09-30 13:22:53

A very good first attempt at a Sonic hack, but painfully boring. (I was only able to push through the first three zones before stopping) Some of the level layouts being too close to their vanilla counterparts doesn't help, and there's the various music bugs. That being said, don't feel discouraged! I am sure you can learn from this and make something even better next year.

I'll post my playthrough later.

Roebloz @ 2024-10-01 19:51:24




Red2010 @ 2024-09-30 18:21:55

I think I played enough of this hack to give my opinion:

My biggest complaint will be the music. I know you used smpsconv to port them but you missed to manually fix the PSG. because if you don't fix it the music will sound strange.

I don't know if I would call the palettes good. But there are some that I really liked

Red2010 @ 2024-09-30 18:23:07

Part: 2

I think that this hack could use a revision in the levels since in several occasions you end up playing the same level with small alterations (not that the other Encore does the opposite either. But at least it has an original level design in GHZ2).

(the limit of words you can put in a comment forced me to do this)

Eeveelover64 @ 2024-10-01 13:28:22

tbh this feels too much like sonic 1 remastered where only the first zone is changed, and not much else. also the secret level select screen is bugged (unless thats intentional)

Mildanner @ 2024-10-05 14:45:57

Also, Modern Cyber City finally in Sega Genesis.

AnakamaTheHedgehog @ 2024-10-29 13:43:45

Very cool and original work right here!