Hey look something totally original that has never been done before!
So why does this exist?
I wanted to finish one hack before I move on from Sonic hacking and what better then a character pak made up of like 3 of my old character hacks. Only one I shown off publically before is Luigi but every character hack been a thing one way or another for a while.
So what does this have exactly?
4 playable characters in Sonic the Hedgehog (1991) for the Sega Mega Drive Genesis Entertainment System. Being fan favorite Sonic characters: Classic Sonic, Modern Sonic, Link? and Luigi? Complete with stuff to make them stand out and with that tweaks and changes to some levels to make use of it, though don't expect too much from that.
Also there is super characters and while this is Sonic 1i'm not that evil. Therefore I used my magic powers to replace the lampposts with starposts giving you a ton more chances at the special stages. I think it might even be possible to get all of them by Marble Zone.
Along with that we have some nice delicious full soundtracks to select from including:
The Original STH Soundtrack: but with fixed drums... people like that right? This is intended for Classic Sonic
Alternate Sonic Soundtrack: Other Sonic songs throughout the series this is intended for Modern Sonic. (Marble Zone in this is the best track in the game, make sure you hear it)
Legend of Zelda Soundtrack: Pretty self explanitory and you wouldn't guess who this was for.
Super Mario Soundtrack: Music from that other company. This is for Green Mario.
Meme Soundtrack: Music that make you go haha. This was basically included since I like to do songs out of boredom and had them all anyways.
CD Soundtrack!: If you plug a Sega Mega CD into your Genesis Drive you can use it to play CD audio. I included a preset one to make it a proper thing but you can play whatever. Try popping in a random music CD!
Note: Sorry if some songs are not great, it's 2am pst on the day of the deadline and I still have like 9 songs to make.
Update: It's now 8am and I finished the hack!
Don't worry about figuring out controls right away or anything, there is a optional tutorial level for each character to help teach you. But still included here for completion sake.
Classic Sonic:
Modern Sonic:
Luigi (3D style):
File Type: rom/zip
File Size: 60.32 MB
Forgot to mention why I didn't put this in the contest is because I thought it wouldn't be contest worthy but seeing the contest entries... it would've been. Also needed the extra time.
How do I use the .cue file with kega? Since I want to try out the "custom music" part
In the kega fusion ini file check for CartBootEnabled and set it to 1. Then you load the genesis rom like normal then load the cue file using the sega cd load option under files.
Thx for the help m8!
Also, how would this work on REAL hardware tho?
You need a Sega CD and a Genesis and you just put whatever disc you want in the Sega CD while you have the genesis game in the genesis slot and it'd work.
no matter what i do none of my .cue files work at all can someone help ?
You have to use the cue that came with this game
Actually no you can use whatever you want as long as it covers the tracks in game. If you use kega fusion "In the kega fusion ini file check for CartBootEnabled and set it to 1. Then you load the genesis rom like normal then load the cue file using the sega cd load option under files."
well i use any cue besides the one that came with the rom and the cue doesnt work the music doesnt play
With a cd/dvd drive, can a just use a cd I have lying around at put it in to use the custom music? Edit: I now know I can, but how do I do it on Kega? Keep in mind I'm trying to use The Earthworm Jim PC CD, but when I boot sega cd with the disc in, there is no music. So, how do I use it?
Last modified by Super___Sonic_400 @ 2020-11-02 18:48:05
I couldn't play the rom, as it was a ".7z", and the emulator i used couldn't support it. i tried converting it into a ".zip" file and it worked.
Everyone's saying that their music things won't work, but have you tried renaming the files?
Do that, that usually works, i've tried it already!
LuigiXHero How To Add Custom Music On Retroarch Android?
wow even this late i stilll want to comment that the epic mayamy's ost is, well, epic. also i didn't know that being under water changes the music, so is this amps in sonic 1 character pak?
Yes this does use amps, says so in the credits in the hack. (Access by pressing start on the sound test on the level select, or beating the game)
Your hack is amazing, do you think you have the source code for the title screen banner? I'm desperate to use it.
Last modified by Rrose80149 @ 2021-01-05 13:25:29
How do I play with CD audio on if I'm on Kega Fusionn?
Well This room Is so good and I like it
Hi, is there a code to get all the Chao Emeralds to easily get Super Sonic?
yo, do you have a discord?
Comment deleted by Jorge-kun @ 2021-08-25 11:51:50
Gosto do Sonic 1 é meu preferido até que vi essa fã-jogo maravilhosa LuigiXHero @ vc é fera mano que continuar a fazer hacks assim é pq não sei senão ajudaria ^^
how do i fix it so that the preset music can play over the rom in kega? because every time I load the rom then the cue file it takes me to the segacd player with the top saying: Fusion_Unknown and it plays the music just fine but how do i do it? and yes i did set cartbootenabled to 1 in the ini file
This rom hack is shockingly good 10/10 would sand hill again