Just a reminder to let us know if you have any issues with the site, so we can look into them.
Alternatively, if you have Discord, join our server and report them in the dedicated channel.
Also check your spam folder for any emails as some providers like to put those in there.
Please ensure your entry fits the Quality Control Criteria, or your entry will either be moved to the Expo, or if not fit for the Expo, will be rejected following the exhaustion of all deadlines!
We have seen a fair amount of decent entries so far. But on the other hand, we have seen a small amount of entries that so far, are very likely to end up in the shredder.
A reminder of what we are NOT wanting this year:
❌ Simple texture only hacks.
❌ Simple object layout modifications.
❌ Model swaps of existing game models. (UNLESS process is technical - there will be no repeat of 2019 this year)
The Expo is NOT a free-for-all to show off whatever you've made. If you cannot meet the criteria in time for the deadlines, we advise waiting for next year's Contest and Expo.
Thank you for your understanding. If you have any questions, please put them in the thread, or contact us on the SHC Discord.
I'm sorry for what I did on the SHC discord, I really am! This thing really is important to me! I promise I won't do anything like that again, Spanner, If your reading this, Tell Cinossu that I'm sorry, Will you please accept my apology?
Last modified by Sonic The Fantastic @ 2020-09-06 17:58:53